RP-32 Dustfree Cap Type Loose Lug Nut Indicator

ROHNIL® RP-32 is a loose lug nut indicator that can identify loose lug/ nuts with a simple visual inspection. When the lug nuts are properly torqued to specs, the Lug Nut indicators are then placed on the lug nuts in a uniform pattern. If a lug nut has loosened, the Wheel-Check will become out of sequence. It will be visible when the driver does round about and walk around check. The wheel can then be serviced.


Indigenous made in India. Dustfree Cap type Loose Wheel Lug Nut indicators for MHCV, Commercial vehicles. It will also protect the wheel nuts keeping it clean and free from the effects of water, road salts, and chemicals, hence will not rust too early. Used as an indicator in case the nut is loose.

Dustfree Cap type Loose Wheel Lug Nut indicators are Cap type pointed tags, usually made in Yellow, Orange or Green colour. These are fixed to the lug nuts of the wheels of large vehicles. The tag rotates along with the nut, and if the nut becomes loose, the point of the tag shifts noticeably out of alignment with the other tags. If too many lug nuts are loosened, the wheel can detach  from the wheel stud. Loose wheel nut indicators allow identification of loose lug/nuts before this can occur.

  • Designed not to melt under heavy braking situations but will melt if the hub overheats, which will alert driver of hub problems
  • If melting occurs, the non-stick material is removed easily without damaging your wheels or lug nuts
  • Easy-to-use and no tools are needed for the application.
  • Manufactured with PA6 durable polymer and is UV & chemical resistant.
  • Dustfree Cap type Loose Wheel Lug Nut indicator is not attacked by road salts or petrochemicals. The pointer being large, it is highly visible.
  • They are also heat sensitive. If there is a binding brake or seized bearing, the heat is transferred through the stud and nut, if the temperature exceeds 230 degree Centigrade.


The Release Tool is included in every packet of ROHNIL® RP3038. This simple tool allows the mechanism to release easily. It is a small Coloured clip that attaches to the bridge and directs force down onto the ratchet. When pressed with your thumb, the Release Tool completely disengages the ratchet, allowing a good grip on the part with both hands. This makes it easier to open when the mechanism is clogged up with dirt and adjustment is required or if you are pulling ROHNIL® RP3038 apart for cleaning.

ROHNIL® RP30-38: LOOSE LUG NUT INDICATOR provides ultimate safety and peace of mind for your drivers. It’s built for commercial and heavy-duty applications, and its point-to-point design makes identifying loose lug nuts easy, even at a distance.

Accurate and simple-to-use, ROHNIL® RP30-38 : LOOSE LUG NUT INDICATOR point-to-point indicators are installed on each lug nut with each pair of indicators pointing directly at each other. Its indicators have adequate amount of teeth for greater accuracy. They are also designed to melt at approximate 230° C, identifying wheel-end issues that cause heat build-up, such as a wheel bearing failure.

10 Reasons to Use ROHNIL® RP-32: Dustfree Cap Type Loose lug nut indicator

1. Provides a simple, visual means of confirming proper wheel torque in seconds.
2. Reduce your risk of wheel detachment accidents. (Protect the public, help prevent property
and load damage).
3. Lower your maintenance costs by eliminating unnecessary re-torquing.
4. Quickly identify a hot wheel possibly caused by bearing failure or brake drag.
5. Decrease equipment downtime.
6. Facilitates official roadside inspections.
7. Clearly visible at night and in bad weather (rain, snow, muddy conditions).
8. Easy to install.
9. Costs only a few Rupees per wheel.
10. Pays for itself in just one avoided re-torque procedure.